Search Results for: king of wands career Articles

4 of cups tarot card

The 4 of Cups Tarot Card: What it Really Means for Love, Career, & More

It’s time to celebrate! Often a very welcome card in a Tarot reading, the 4 of Wands represents the energy of celebration, appreciation, and new beginnings. After the figure in the 3 of Wands takes the bold decision to go after their dreams, we come to the 4 of Wands,

3 of wands tarot card

You Pulled the 3 of Wands – Now What?

Appearing after the 2 of Wands, the card of the decision-maker, the 3 of Wands, arrives as the bold entrepreneur. Generally a welcome card in Tarot readings, the 3 of Wands is a card of passion and energy. Once the decision has been made in the 2, it is time

knight of wands tarot

You Pulled the Knight of Wands – Now What?

If you have drawn the Knight of Wands, you have drawn a card that brings dynamic, confident, brave, and adventurous energy to your reading. The Knight of Wands is the ultimate adventurer. This is the card for the zodiac sign Sagittarius, whose wandering, adventurous, lustful ways represent this fiery knight

page of wands tarot card

You Pulled the Page of Wands – Now What?

The first court card of the Wands suit is the passionate and enthusiastic Page of Wands. Curious, excitable, and energetic, this Page brings a message of all things related to passion and creativity! The Page is just starting out on his journey. He is curious about the world, eager to

woman wearing all white holding up a large tarot card

You Pulled the King of Pentacles – Now What?

The King of Pentacles is typically a positive card to pull in a Tarot reading, but as with all cards, it has light and dark sides. This is the master of the Pentacles suit. It is the young Page of Pentacles when he has spent many years mastering himself and

woman holding up a white tarot cared with black stars and moons and a wine glass filled with red wine behind a black and white candle

You Pulled the 2 of Wands Tarot Card – Now What?

The second card of the Wands suit in the Minor Arcana is the 2 of Wands, and it is in this card we see a figure looking out into the horizon, watching the ships come in. There is a strong element of courage associated with this card. All twos indicate

You Pulled the Queen of Wands – Now What?

If you have pulled the Queen of Wands in a Tarot reading, then you have pulled a bright, vivacious, fiery, and passionate card that brings zest to your reading. One thing is certain – no matter the context or subject, nothing is ever dull with the Queen of Wands around.

You Pulled the 9 of Wands Tarot Card – Now What?

Have you pulled the 9 of Wands in your Tarot reading? This card represents the “battle-weary soldier.” It is the card of someone who takes one last stand. The person who has fought many fights, but will keep going, no matter how tired he is or how many wounds he

You Pulled the Ace of Wands Tarot Card – Now What?

OK – so you’ve pulled the Ace of Wands! Feeling excited? No surprise if you are! This is one Tarot card that generates excitement and one thing you can be sure of is that if this card turns up in your reading, then excitement is the main theme. All Aces

You Pulled The King of Wands Tarot Card – Now What?

Have you pulled the King of Wands in a Tarot spread? Read on to find out all about what it could mean! The King of Wands is one of the Court Cards of the Minor Arcana in the Tarot. It is the final card of the Wands suit, the suit

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